Winter Transition

Winter Transition

It happens every year.  The dreaded drop in temperature, the dryness, the itchiness, and the unnecessary flakiness.

For some reason, I still get surprised when it happens.  As though I don't know what's happening to my precious body. Hairs shedding like they're deliberately trying to get away from me.  Skin out here biting me, angry as ever. It can be quite frustrating.

I can hear my body saying, 'Alright Mary, it's time to get on the ball!'

Moisture during this transition is key.  I can't stress it enough. 

The main goal is to protect the hair from the harsh elements, seal in the moisture, thus reducing breakage. As well as keeping the skin hydrated.

Here are some tips:

Hair Care 

1) Add steam to your regimen about twice in a week. Simply spray your hair with whatever is in your spray bottle (H2O, Rice Water, Aloe Vera Juice etc.) and cover with a plastic bag or a shower cap for at least 2 hours.  I usually do this when I'm cleaning the house.  I love this method because the heat from our head opens up the hair shaft to receive all the moisture from the water.  It never fails to soften my hair strands. 

When you take a shower, this is where you want to ditch the shower cap. Our hair loves the steam treatment that comes with a warm shower. 

I usually follow up with a bit of shea butter to seal the ends.  

Get used to sealing damp hair with a tiny bit of oil or butter. Very little is needed. I like to use my B's Mix Whipped Shea, she gets me and my scalp feeling all calm and tingly.

Fortify your spray bottle 💪🏾  (if you have one) with an essential oil like Rosemary or Lavender.  

You'll also find that Protective Hairstyling will keep your ends from the cold weather.  Try a loose bun, twist or braids. This reduces breakage. 

Deep condition regularly.  I like to use whatever I have at home.  An avocado, banana, greek yogurt or whatever you prefer.  

Skin Care

To be honest, it's super hard for me to ditch the hot showers.'s best to use some kind of sealant right out of the shower to keep moisture in for most of the day. 

This is especially important during the winter months.  Our skin is being bombarded with the cold wind and the lack of humidity in the air, so don't skip this step.

Try using a thick cream after you shave.  The high amount of butters and oils  does an excellent job at protecting and healing dry, vulnerable skin.

Water is the Superstar!

Drink your water 💧  Period.  This allows for our cells to work well. As a result, our skin and hair both benefit.

No regimen is perfect

Keep in mind that results will be a little different for everyone.  My hope is that you can grab an idea or two and add them to your regimen.

Do you have some tips to keep your hair and skin in top condition during the winter?  I'd like to know! 

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